i am here mam



over here, i am here
mam, over here
mam, i am in trouble

you know, that if i were
at a party
say, it was your party

and you said to me hey
pick a cartoon
lucky for you it was

a Peanuts character
so i did so
and I so loved her

right on, she is so much
just like me. the
last few years with hair

flying every which way
a metaphor
for being all mixed

up up up, up up up
and away oh
yes, far, so far away


OK – I am not sure if I am getting it right yet, but truly, I am trying.  It has been just so darn long since I wrote.  And/or linked to anything, well you get my drift.  I hope.  This is meant to be the response to a prompt at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads here in less than 100 words.  Funny, I am known for “not loving” cartoons at all.  But Peanuts?  That is different – yep, I love Peanuts.  So thank you so much – this was fun.  The real trouble is I cannot remember the name of this girl.  And I have been scouring the internet.  Guess it does not matter, someone will tell me.

Why do I feel like her?  Well I have just been kind of lost for the last 3 years.  Now I am found – I think.

12 thoughts on “i am here mam

    • Hello friend, so very good to see you. Is it Patti? I do not know. I did a Google and a Wiki but never quite got what I was looking for. Ah well.

    • I enjoyed this poem and can relate to where you’re coming from. The slightly breathless feel and helter-skelter movement of your words perfectly illustrate the cartoon girl.

    • Sarah, I have attempted twice to reply to you but it does not seem to go to you . . . so one more time I will try. So it is Patti – it is good to know as I Googled and I Wiki’d but never came up with a proper answer, so good to know! And thanks much.

  1. I really like how the tone of the piece works to so well to describe the chaos surrounding the speaker. And not just the chaos, but her intend to make sense of things–to find her right path–even when life is rather stormy.

Your words of response are greatly appreciated.