Ghastly Green . . . . . Signs

Nuclear Waste from Pixabay


twelve forty five, past midnight.

It’s late and

i with my

toxic thoughts

take a turn

around my brain.

I have questions about

nuclear waste,

purulent green,


seething heat.

Seeping up from

the ground.

Seemingly something

beauteous and awful.

Drink not the green.

Stay away.


what about

this spill?

What but



The photo is from Pixaby.  Thank you Mish for the prompt: signs.  Gosh, it has been so long that I can barely remember how to work with format or anything else.  I also hope that I can remember how to publish at D’Verse.

24 thoughts on “Ghastly Green . . . . . Signs

  1. I hate it when I read news about the spill in the oceans or forests being uprooted for city’s urbanization ~ We should all the heed the signs of distress from nature but oftentimes we are warped in our own greed.

    Hey, good to read you again ~ Hope you are well ~

  2. Nice eerie poem. That green looked like a witches cauldron until I saw the toxic sign on the barrel. It amazes me how that green color in a liquid feels like death, but on a leaf feels like life.

    • Oh my – I had not thought of that. It is true of course, but for some reason makes me feel even more . . . . more what, confused along with being frightened for the earth, I guess.

    • Thank you Beverly. It is sickening, frightening and generally all related to greed, IMHO. What a beautiful world and we are killing it.

    • Thank you Laura. I have no idea of your age , but I remember in the 1st & 2nd grades; and probably further of having to get under my desk – for atomic bomb scares. How silly was that?

      • Liz, it was a treat to get a notification that you had posted a poem…it has been awhile! And I just wrote something recently about that very thing of having to get under our desks during safety drills in elementary school. Silly indeed! No, I didn’t participate in this prompt but had to come read your offering…frightening on many levels.
        Gayle ~

  3. This just screams “danger” on the literal level, but, for me, even deeper is the message that those thoughts that haunt us at the hour of the night can also be so very toxic. Scary photo, Liz.

  4. I read this twice…literally and then as a metaphor, those toxic things that attempt to intrude into our lives, if we let them. The image is so bold and creepy and I like that you used a symbol.

    • Mish, thank you. It was a great prompt. It took a while to find the right photo, but that green really stuck out – kinda screaming at me.

Your words of response are greatly appreciated.