Pup . . . . . .

his birthday
is not important
to me

it is the day
he died
the day he
me behind
the day
I watched
the tide
carry him
take his spirit
out to sea
still I see him
along the beach
my big wooly
my dark dog
my big
black Pup
I miss your bark
I miss your breath
I miss your play
I miss my
soul mate

so I say
to my Pup
never set
me free

I endure
my pain
one that
is so
for it is all
that I
have left of

we meet again
I will pretend
that I hold
you close
watch you run
the beach
as we used
to do
we still
snuggle close
as I
nuzzle you

I guess that this is an “unbirthday poem.” It is what came to me for Poet’s United “Birthday Poem.” I know just how much Sherry misses Pup. He was/is the love of her life. I grew up with horses, cats and dogs. I love my animals. I have never been without a cat. Before David came into my life, Max was my great love. He was Siamese and devilish. But what a love – we were inseparable. Sherry writes about Pup today. Her poem is haunting and painful and can be found .

This poem is linked to Poetry United’s Mid Week Motif’s Birthday Poems.

16 thoughts on “Pup . . . . . .

  1. Oh Liz, Pup’s auntie, your poem made me cry and smile. The words sank so gratefully into my heart. Thanks for totally “getting it” about Pup. You are so right – the grief is the way I love him still and I do not want to be done with it, or him, ever. Thank you so much. What a surprise! Such a good one.

  2. Oh, Liz, what a caring poem you have written! Yes, those of us who have known Sherry for a while TRULY know how much she misses that Pup. Those who are animal lovers understand one another.

  3. Sounds like this pup was definitely your best friend. My condolences, and hopes of good memories goes out to you. This is a wonderfully written poem that certainly is deserving of this wonderful dog.

  4. What a wonderful poem.

    When pets go they leave a hole in our hearts.

    This is something I read that consoles me…

    It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are.


  5. and you will meet again…one day…
    is this one that you have run before? of have you just written of him like this before.
    was thinking i remembered it…obviously you loved him much…

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