Occupy Blogosphere 2013 January Sixteenth

I have been given a job to do this year a New Year’s Resolution. It is a bit lofty. I am meant to love the world this year, quite actively. The hatred level is high right now in the USA. I find it discouraging, but I do not allow it to discourage me. The level is dangerous. But I will forge ahead for it can be done. I have since January 1st, needed to be reminded twice of my new job. And I really am working on it. The picture below was my first reminder. Shakti Ghosal’s article was my second reminder. I give you a link below to his article.


When I link the credit for the photo above, the link won’t show up. I suspect that this because it is a Facebook page. I found the photo without real credit at a group on Facebook called “Stop Workplace Bullies.”

Love is the only real way to make progress in this world … love of self, love of family members, love of society, love of all, if we wish to advance, into 5th Dimensional Energy. So thanks to Soul Dipper for bringing me to that realization before the end of 2012. Then thanks to Shakti Ghosal for bringing me back to my goal with his spectacular article: Connecticut – Delhi – Hooponono

I had wished to “Reblog” the article but I had technical difficulty Shakti has a wonderful spirit that reaches into the heart of others. He is one of great wisdom and love for mankind. I feel greatly honored to have found his blog. Please read the article. It will bless you.

25 thoughts on “Occupy Blogosphere 2013 January Sixteenth

  1. WOW, kiddo! What a glorious message – love the world. It is so in need of our love. The article by your enlightened friend is wonderful. Awesome to know that in the midst of all the Talk about how horrible everything is, there are beings beaming light into the darkness. I remember an eco-warrior friend of mine telling us – Mother Earth can feel your pain – let her feel your joy, too. This is a wonderful mandate for 2013 – loving the world. I am SO on-board!!!!!!!

    • Thank you my dear sweet friend. You are on board? Ha! You have been an example to me through thick and thin now for about a year … it’s more like I am on board with you. 😉

  2. G-d works in all sorts of ways…. Makes me tearful how arrangements to ‘validate’ what I’m focused on get made.
    Thank you for carrying the message to me…..again.
    It would seem I’m greeted with this message in all sorts of places, through all sorts of messengers, in all sorts of mediums.
    People around me, people behind me….things I read, things I hear, things I watch. It’s all back to contributing through love, in love…….LOVE.

    I need you to know this is a struggle for me. I get overly concerned about how I will be viewed, how people will use my loving posture, what will they think….how will that affect me…what if I fail?! What if I’m not the loving person He assures me I am, that I believe I am because He tells me……

    I know–in the deepest place in ME–that love is the answer.
    I know just enough to make it all so very dangerous feeling to me.
    But……. Because of every bit that’s being availed to me, especially those places independent of me and my every day life out HERE–I know I will listen with opened heart and opened hands.

    So thank you.
    Small words–hugely felt.

    • My dear Mel, what an honest and heartfelt response. How wonderful. In some respects we are a tad the same on this. Now, I do not care what people think of me. I fail a great deal, but for be being wrong is an opportunity for growth. Where I have difficulty is I am all Kraut … or as my husband likes to call me “His little warrior.” I have a naturally warring nature, but that does not need to spell failure here. I do not need to sit here or there and channel loving feelings that I must work hard to conjure up. No one can quite simply put their intention out there and then channel energy from Source. I will do it quite literally using my hands to someone or something specific. And then there is intention. Intention is a real biggy, even I believe having scientific ramifications. Check out Adam – Dreamhealer. I found him through Soul Dipper. I am on Facebook a good bit. One way I do this is to not allow myself to be disgusting when in politically hot conversations. I behave in a reasonable manner with respect for the other side. Of course it is for me work.

      No my friend … Thank you!

  3. My Dear Raven~

    As I just told Sherry, I received this same message in a yoga class today. Sherry’s post repeated it to me, and then led me here to yours. My light is shining… brightly… to join yours, and ours will join others and so on, and so on.


  4. smiles….that is a great message…love is what will change the world…one of my fav quotes is something to the effect of…’do you blame the dark for being dark or the light for not being bright enough’…

  5. Hi Raven….you and Sherry both speak the same language. The only answer IS Love. We all need to practice this…..one person at a time CAN work miracles. Thanks for being one of the beacons along the way.

    • Mary … you have been a beacon for nearly a year now for me with your beautiful words … words that are squarely where they are, rooted in reality. You have an uncanny ability to take the day and create within it, within your subject emotions that easily reach the reader … making their day better! Thank you for that.

    • NO … NO … and NO again. 😉 Although with this new job, I do suspect that I shall indeed have much to learn and thus much to share. Amy, I am a indeed a very lucky woman. I am a woman who bass no trouble saying no. I meet so many who cannot say no and it really hurts them. Love and hugs to you my friend.

  6. Please check my latest post, Liz…I’ve nominated you as one of the “Blog of the Year Awards for 2012”. Even if you don’t want to bother with awards, I’d like you to know how much I appreciate your work.

    • Of course I am honored. And I am grateful. Amy you have taught me so much this past year. To receive the award is a wonderful thing … but then I must let it go. Perhaps a bit like receiving love and then allowing it to go out into the universe. Thank you my friend.

  7. Dear Raven,

    I feel humbled reading your post. Not sure I deserve all that you have written about me :))


    Great emotions, each one of them. Each holds a purpose in our space time continuum. I would not seek to ascribe any quality to them, either positive or negative. What I believe is to first achieve clarity of the outcome we seek. How could we then link the emotions to take us forward? Could we envisage a spiraling path upwards?

    With blessings.


    • Shakti, I have a really solid sense of the value of intention. In many respects, I can read intention sometimes even before I actually grasp what someone is saying. I always value the “intention” with which you speak. So, maybe I am not really writing about “Shakti orYou” as much as I speak of your intention. 😉

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