Occupy Blogosphere 2013 January Sixteenth

I have been given a job to do this year a New Year’s Resolution. It is a bit lofty. I am meant to love the world this year, quite actively. The hatred level is high right now in the USA. I find it discouraging, but I do not allow it to discourage me. The level is dangerous. But I will forge ahead for it can be done. I have since January 1st, needed to be reminded twice of my new job. And I really am working on it. The picture below was my first reminder. Shakti Ghosal’s article was my second reminder. I give you a link below to his article.


When I link the credit for the photo above, the link won’t show up. I suspect that this because it is a Facebook page. I found the photo without real credit at a group on Facebook called “Stop Workplace Bullies.”

Love is the only real way to make progress in this world … love of self, love of family members, love of society, love of all, if we wish to advance, into 5th Dimensional Energy. So thanks to Soul Dipper for bringing me to that realization before the end of 2012. Then thanks to Shakti Ghosal for bringing me back to my goal with his spectacular article: Connecticut – Delhi – Hooponono

I had wished to “Reblog” the article but I had technical difficulty Shakti has a wonderful spirit that reaches into the heart of others. He is one of great wisdom and love for mankind. I feel greatly honored to have found his blog. Please read the article. It will bless you.