
I have neither blogged nor written poetry for good bit now. And I cannot tell you why. I hope that everyone has a splendid 2014. Remi came into my life a couple of weeks ago. This was a choice, I asked Remi to join me. For some reason when my father died in 2003 I found and purchased several, beautiful, handmade Teddy Bears. Why did I capitalize those two words? Perhaps it is a sign of their importance to me. This past December I purchased two more, I simply love what they represent to me, all of which can be found in the tags.

The holidays have come and gone
Our visitors have left
Loneliness has settled in

I knew that loneliness was unfounded
And sorrow just wasn’t real
But I longed for someone

Then I saw his face online
He was beautiful
It love at first sight

Now he has come to live with me
Filling my heart with joy
We play together having teddy bear teas

He arrived from Holland
His mother is an artist
Remi is my sweetness

Rasa his mother has asked me to write
Write about her teddys
Give them a voice

I am excited about that
Remi has many stories of his mother
I think that is where we shall start


Remi – sitting upon my desk.

Published at Imaginary Garden With Real Toads Open Link Monday, yes, I am a day late!

Published at dVerse Open Link Night! Yeah, they are open!

Bear Shop Artist’s Credit: Rasa’s Cozy Corner

44 thoughts on “Remi

  1. ha. teddy bears are def comforting…and they hearken back to our childhood as well…and the feelings of that time…remi is def cute…i look forward to hearing what stories you find along the way….

  2. smiles.. it’s nice to meet remi and how you give him a voice through your words… my son had a penguin when he was a kid… he still slept with him in bed during his teenage years and has now moved out with him to his first own flat..

  3. I still have some of my teddy bears, including a very ragged one. He’s preserved in an airtight container though. I’d love to hear a poem written in Remi’s voice!
    I didn’t write our poem this week, that was my teammate, MJ. Next week it’s my turn. Our poem is at the first website, the second one is just where to find me, if you care to.
    A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z Challenge 2014
    Tina @ Life is Good

  4. After my own heart … I collect teddy bears as well — when I go into a store — they often “speak to me” and tell me “I MUST bring them home” … teddy bears are usually the first gift I bring a newborn! They have provided me years of comfort. 😀 xoxo

  5. I remember my Teddy. He was flattened, a bit worn, had one orange eye missing. Looked for him one day and found my Mom had given him away. I was so sad – she said he was worn out. I have all my children’s “first” loves – a bear, a doll, a bug, a pillow (2 haven’t relinquished theirs yet) I guess I have a sentimental heart. 🙂

  6. i truly believe the more things we love in life..the greater the opportunity for HOPEIS…

    I like Polar Bears..had one when i was young..and was so attached to that was only a close second to my family…

    That Love is real..there is no doubt about it..for me..

    Sometimes i feel the same about my bed and pillow..or all the things that give me comfort in life..yes even a hot shower..and all of that2….

    Happy New year to a ya2!014..2

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