100 Weeks – Thank You

Love and caring such expansive emotions, such big emotions that I know that they can fill up anything – any void. Love grows all over the pains of a small child sprawled upon the floor after a fall, fixing all that feels broken. The deep loneliness of an elderly man slumped over his wheelchair re-dreaming his war in England in “43” will evaporate with the caring touch of his nurse or neighbor. The poetic words of so many here work wonders in me. 100 hundred weeks of writing! One hundred weeks of sharing words and thoughts with other poets. Powerful words tapping into hearts and minds across the ethers though our USB ports.

full blossoms – quench the thirst of many hummingbirds

Shared with love at Open Link Night dVerse Poets Pub, a very special place to be.

31 thoughts on “100 Weeks – Thank You

  1. Sharing words and thoughts with others IS a moving experience, and the words (including yours) work wonders in me as well. Sharing poetry is definitely a way of CARING.

    • Thank you Mary. I completely agree with you. And I appreciate both your kind words and your poetry. Unlike many poets whom I have met in these wonderful ethers, I have chosen to connect with just a few, as opposed to many. It is kind of like wanting to get to know a few poets on a deeper level as opposed to getting to know many people … who knows it might just be a function of age.

      • I do agree that connecting with a few on a deeper level CAN be more rewarding than being all over the map (ha – an idiom in honor of this week’s dVerse). Thank you for buying / reading my book. Indeed it was a working through of a very difficult time. Month by month. Not every poem is a work of art, but then again I wanted my words preserved in hard copy for a later time….and for children & grandchildren to perhaps read some day. The blogosphere, at the moment, keeps me writing…which is a good thing. I hope do do another book this summer. We will see. Thanks also for the comment in Diane’s blog. I received it this morning too. For a while I thought about keeping it up, putting her poetry in….but I decided not to. She DID dearly love the ocean. I used to have some other blogs featured there, but gave up on that. Only hers remains….and always will. Thanks for sharing!

  2. smiles…thank you…its a beautiful thing all this creation you know…and to do it in community, all the better…lover the little verse at the end..hummingbirds are very cool…smiles.

  3. I LOVE your banner photo. Wow. Lifted my heart to see it. Love your haibun too, with appreciation for what you and your writing have meant to me since we first crossed pens:) LOVE the full blossoms line….lovely. My place is abuzz with hummingbirds – they drain THREE feeders every other day. Hungry little critters. Yay for the 100 weeks, kiddo. May there be thousands more.

    • Are not Humming Birds wonderful? Tiny miracles fluttering by, swooping here and there spritely and quickly. Thanks about the banner. I think that I took that last year. We were at the OBX (stands for Outer Banks) in North Carolina. It is my favorite on earth. I would go there in a heart beat. But the Sos does not wish to do anything but visit. Ho hum.

  4. First of all, a wonderful haibun. I have grown to love them a lot recently and have found a separate haibun challenge that I write to every week.. and I really like the haiku on the end… poets are really like hummingbirds sucking nectar

    • Thank you Bjorn. I have been “up there” upon tool bar looking for the correct manner in which to spell your “O.” I know that it is there, I am just not finding it.

      I love haiku and other forms of Japanese poetry. I spent a big spell being ill and took that time to study and write haiku. I really, really enjoyed doing that. Over the last few years I have connected with several poets online and become friends with a few. I find my online community so very valuable. Right now my dilemma is that I want to write memoir but I do not wish to lose my poet friends. That said because different people populate poet sites and memoir sites. I like your analogy of poets and hummingbirds.

  5. Love grows all over the pains of a small child sprawled upon the floor after a fall, fixing all that feels broken.

    This is lovely, Liz. A wonderful tribute!

  6. …a priceless opportunity to share something that can impact change & draw inspiration to many in the world… all for the sake of poetry… i am more than blessed to have met many wonderful, talented & inspiring people from different sides of the world thru blogging & dverse & i thank you for being one of ’em… smiles…

  7. Briefly setting aside the gratitude evident in this post, I love the writing, especially the ending haiku. It is beauty on it’s own and perfect partnered with the paragraph. Well done, my friend. πŸ™‚

    • Yousei, thank you. I am trying to figure out how to write memoir and not lose my friends. I will not have time to write poetry. But haiku is short and can be placed at poetry writing sites. I guess that I will come up with the answer. πŸ˜‰

  8. love the blossoms quenching the thirst of many hummingbirds….and woohoo on 100 – and thanks for being a part of this community as well…it’s all about the people that make this pub what it is..

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